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PhD Studentship in Analysis of Seed Processing by Distinct Element Method at University of Leeds
The award of a PhD studentship by Syngenta Ltd has provided an opportunity for an exciting PhD research programme on seed processing at the Institute of Particle Science and Engineering, University of Leeds.
The overall aim of the project is to develop a capability for predicting the performance of seed processing operations, such as mixing, coating and attrition based on seed properties and the dynamics of the processing operations. It is proposed to characterise the mechanical properties of seeds, develop models and simulate seed processing operations based on DEM and predict and validate process characteristics. The choice of process equipment will be identified at the project start. The rationale for the proposed work arises from the need to develop simulation capability for quick checking of operation characteristics for improved efficiency and product performance.
Applications are invited from candidates with or expecting a First or Upper Second Class Honours Degree (or equivalent) in engineering (Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science & Engineering), physical sciences (Chemistry or Physics) or applied mathematics. Due to the nature of the project, a good level of understanding in numerical methods and experience in programming in C++ and Fortran are essential. In addition, communication and team-working skills are highly essential due to the strong industrial link. The funding for this Industrial Project Studentship covers fees and stipend at the EPSRC Home Student rate.
Indication of interest and initial enquiries should be made by sending a CV to Professor M. Ghadiri, Institute of Particle Science & Engineering, School of Process, Environmental and Materials Engineering, University of Leeds, via the email address: [email protected]. For further info on research activities: Official Website.
Formal applications for research degree study should be made either on line through the University website, or on the University’s application form. Detailed information of how to apply on line can be found at: Official Website.
The application form is available at: Official Website. Please return the completed application form to the Research Degrees & Scholarships Office, University of Leeds, LS2 9JT, or e-mail a scanned application to [email protected].
Please provide all the documents required as soon as possible, either included with your paper application or sent directly to the Graduate School Office if you apply online. Scanned copies are acceptable for a conditional offer; however you will need to provide originals or certified copies at registration. These will include your degree certificate(s), transcripts of marks achieved in previous degrees, plus evidence of English language qualifications if your first language is not English and you do not hold a degree from an English-speaking country. Please note, if you intend to send academic references we can only accept them if they are on official letter headed paper and contain an original signature and stamp; they must arrive in sealed envelopes. Alternatively, the Faculty will contact your named academic referees directly.
Application deadline: 30 June 2011.
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