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Post Doctoral Research Posistion at The Institute of Urban Design in Innsbruck
The Institute of Urban Design in Innsbruck, directed by Prof. Peter Trummer – Head of the Institute, offers a 4 year Post Doctoral Research Post. We are seeking for international applicants that are willing to build up our research and publication platform. Our Institute focuses its research on the development of a neo-materialist approach of urban design.
All applications require either a PhD in research by design or an equivalent scientific, artistic qualification.
We would like to ask applicants to sent, a Portfolio, CV and selected publication material before the 6th of April 2011 to the following address under the title Chiffre: ARCH-6466.
Adress: Chiffre: ARCH-6466
Zentralen Dienste, Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck
Innrain 52, A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria
Application Deadline : 6 April 2011
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