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BEVA Trust Equine Research Fellowship in Equine Science at Selwyn College
Selwyn College and the Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Cambridge, propose to elect a research fellow in Equine Science, sponsored by the BEVA Trust (www.beva.org.uk/health-projects/BEVA-trust).
Applications are invited from those who have, or will have shortly completed a PhD in a relevant area and who wish to pursue post-doctoral research in any area of equine science. The intention is that the research project will focus on epidemiology or infectious diseases, particularly where the outcome of the research will be relevant in the developing world and may also result in improved equine welfare. The Fellowship is funded for a fixed term of three years.
Informal enquiries can be directed to Professor James Wood in the Department of Veterinary Medicine ([email protected]).
The closing date for applications is the 29th January 2010. Interviews will be held on 26th February 2010.
Outline of the post
The Fellowship will be awarded to a promising researcher who will work on a project which falls within the remit and aims of the BEVA Trust. The expectation is that the project will be concerned with equine welfare related to epidemiology and infectious disease, particularly where the outcome of the research will be relevant to those in the developing world.
It is expected that the presence of the BEVA Trust Fellow in Cambridge will raise the profile of the Trust and equine welfare in general, particularly amongst veterinary students. The Fellow will be expected to be pro-active in this area. The recipient of the Fellowship will be about to complete, or will recently have completed, their PhD. The recipient will normally be a veterinary graduate. The Fellowship is for a fixed term of three years. The start date is negotiable.
Applicants will be required to submit, along with the application, a letter from a senior member of the Department of Veterinary Medicine stating that, should the applicant be successful, they will be accepted into the Department and provided with sufficient departmental infrastructure necessary to support their research. Other research costs will normally be met from existing funds held by the senior member.
In exchange for these research facilities, the BEVA Trust Fellow will be expected to undertake some teaching duties for the Department. This might take the form of class teaching, practical demonstrations, lectures or departmentally-organised supervision. Averaged over the teaching period, the expectation is that the Fellow will be expected to teach not more than six hours per week.
The successful applicant will be based at the Department of Veterinary Medicine, although an involvement with another Department is not excluded. The BEVA Trust Fellow is expected to reside in Cambridge during Term, except that, with the consent of the College Council, periods may be spent away from Cambridge for the purpose of research.
Research Fellows are members of the Governing Body of the College and are eligible for election to the College Council and to committees.
The successful candidate must be able to satisfy all applicable UK residence and employment requirements
The initial pensionable stipend for a Research Fellow with a PhD (and who does not already have a salaried position) will correspond to the first step of an incremental scale, currently £17,328-£18,091-£18,856. The non-incremental stipend for a Research Fellow without a PhD is currently £15,436. These figures are subject to review.
Accommodation and other benefits
Accommodation in College is provided for a single Fellow, for which a charge (currently £99 p.a.) is made. College flats, for which a normal economic rent is charged, may be available for married Research Fellows.
Research Fellows enjoy the same privileges as other Fellows, which include seven free meals at the High Table per week, and small allowances for travel and other expenses incurred by Fellows in connection with their research. They are also eligible to join the College`s private health care scheme, the College paying 50% of the annual premium.
Application process
Applications (five copies) should reach The Master, Selwyn College, Cambridge CB3 9DQ by 29th January 2010. Each application must include:
- Completed application form
- Completed equal opportunities monitoring form
- A curriculum vitae An outline of the candidate`s current and future research (around two A4 pages in length)
- A supporting letter from a senior member of the Department of Veterinary Medicine (as detailed above)
NB: Applicants from countries outside the EU/EEA must consult the Home Office UK Border Agency website (www.bia.homeoffice.gov.uk/workingintheuk/) to check eligibility requirements before making an application, and must complete Appendix 1 of the application form.
In addition candidates should arrange for THREE references to be sent direct and in confidence to the Master by the same date.
Candidates should also submit with their application THREE hard copies and an electronic copy of their own written work. This may well be an excerpt from a thesis or a combination of material already published by the candidate. The work should, however, be selected to show the candidate`s contribution to the field and to give an indication of the quality and originality of the work conducted. The work will be submitted by the College to an expert assessor, who will be asked to comment on the above points and on the promise shown by the candidate for future research.
It is expected that interviews will take place on Friday 26th February 2010. Please direct any enquiries to the Master`s Assistant (tel: 01223 335890; e-mail: [email protected]).
Selwyn College: www.sel.cam.ac.uk/
Department of Veterinary Medicine : www.vet.cam.ac.uk/
BEVA Trust: www.beva.org.uk/health-projects/BEVA-trust/
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