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Simons Graduate Fellowships in Theoretical Computer Science, USA
The Simons Foundation Division for Mathematics and the Physical Sciences invites applications for the Simons Graduate Fellowships in Theoretical Computer Science program. Simons Graduate Fellows are graduate students with an outstanding track record of research accomplishments.
Rationale: Theoretical Computer Science is unique in that star graduate students working independently produce some of the best results in the field. After two or three years one can identify many of the emerging stars in the field. The prestigious Simons Graduate Fellowships will identify and support these stars. The Fellowship will allow such students further collaborations with peers and more senior researchers.
Level and Duration of Funding: A Simons Graduate Fellowship is awarded for a period of two years. An awardee must be a graduate student for the duration of the Fellowship. Each award will provide annual support for the following:
- Fellowship stipend as set by the student’s institution.
- Tuition and fees at the student’s institution, to the extent previously covered by other outside funding.
- $3,000 in additional support for the student to use at his/her discretion.
- $5,000 per year toward the student’s health insurance and other fringe benefits.
- $5,000 per year for travel, books, a computer and other supplies.
- $5,000 in institutional overhead allowance.
The Fellowship will commence September 1, 2012, and end August 31, 2014.
Allowable Expenses: Travel funds can be used for purposes that further the students’ research and professional development, for example attendance at domestic and international conferences in the student’s area of research. Travel expenses may include direct travel expenses (economy class) and related per diem expenses at standard government rates. Use of travel funds must be approved by the Fellows’ advisor.
The purchase of a personal computer is permissible (up to $2,000) only during Year 1 of the award.
Unspent Funds: Any funds not spent in one year of the grant may be spent in subsequent years without prior approval, but unspent funds at the end of the Fellowship must be returned to the foundation unless express permission is obtained for a specified future use.
Reporting: Brief annual activity reports summarizing research results achieved, talks given and papers published are required from the Graduate Fellow, due 60 days following the end of each Fellowship year. Activity reports must be signed by the student’s advisor. In addition, annual financial reports are required from the Department, signed by an institutional officer.
Awardees will be granted access to proposalCENTRAL for submitting the annual report and other documents to the foundation. Payments will be delayed if annual reports are not received within 30 days beyond the due date.
Graduate fellows are expected to attend annual meetings at the Simons Foundation, at the foundation’s expense.
Basis for Awards: The intent of the program is to support graduate students who have already produced outstanding results. A selection committee of distinguished scientists will consider the applications. Awards will be based on the quality of the applicant’s research contributions, as outlined in the Research Statement, and the strength of the letters of support.
Eligibility: To be eligible the applicant must be a Ph.D. student at a U.S. institution of higher education. A track record of outstanding results in theoretical computer science is the key criterion. There is a limit of one application per university. Please coordinate with the Department Chair.
There are no citizenship requirements. For-profit organizations may not apply.
Number of Awards: Ten Graduate Fellows in steady-state, implying about five new awards per year.
How to Apply: Applicants may apply through proposalCENTRAL (official website) beginning December 7, 2011. The deadline to apply is May 1, 2012. Please coordinate submission of the proposal with the appropriate officials in accordance with institution/university policies. Please see the Application Instructions for further information.
Application Requirements:
- Research Statement (two page limit): A statement summarizing the applicant’s research contributions, research plans for the immediate future, and career goals. References do not need to be included within the page limit, but should not exceed an additional page.
- A curriculum vitae (two page limit), which includes institution, advisor, and a list of publications.
- A letter of support from the Department Chair.
- A letter of support from the student’s advisor.
- A letter from a reference outside the student’s institution. This letter must be submitted directly via proposalCENTRAL by the reference. Please see the Application Instructions for more information.
- Thesis topic.
Funding decisions will be announced by August 1st, 2012, and funding will begin on September 1st, 2012.
Contact information:
[email protected]
Elizabeth Roy
Program Manager
Mathematics and the Physical Sciences
[email protected]
For more information, please visit official website.
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