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PhD Scholarship Positions at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTech
We are searching for PhD candidates to join the Laboratory of Computational Methods and Numerical Analysis at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTech in Spain. The 4 year PhD fellowships cover the full tuition, a monthly stipend, and also health insurance.
Applicants should hold a degree in Mathematics, Engineering, Physics or a related study. They will be evaluated on the basis of their academic record and credentials, their previous exposure to computational fluid or solid mechanics, numerical analysis, continuum mechanics, applied mathematics or scientific computing, a Master degree in a related field, previous research experience if any, and the English proficiency.
For further information about the specific projects listed here below, for general inquiries and for application to any of the positions, please use the address [email protected]. The application should include a complete CV with the names and contact information of up to three referees, a short statement of purpose (max one page), the academic records (transcripts), and explicit mention of the position or positions the candidate is interested in.
Opening 1: Reliable and robust model reduction for real-time simulations
The field of research will be numerical methods for simulation-based engineering sciences. In particular, novel model reduction techniques allowing fast resolution of initial boundary value problems. The proposed research envisions contributions in the necessary mathematical framework (analysis, verification) upon which concrete algorithms are constructed (to solve practical applications). The position requires sound understanding of numerical analysis, in particular a good knowledge of numerical methods for partial differential equations. Moreover, the candidate must be familiar with MATLAB and have some experience in implementing numerical methods.
Specific conditions: FPI fellowship funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. There is funding for international research stays of up to 6 months.
Application Deadline : February 15, 2012 (early application is recommended).
Responsible: Antonio Huerta
Opening 2: Phase field modeling and simulation of fracture in active materials and of biomembranes
Phase field models represent moving interfaces with a continuous field that tracks and encodes the mechanics of a smeared interface. These models are gaining popularity because, contrary to sharp interface models, they treat the geometric tracking and the modeling of the interfacial phenomena in a unified way, with a nonlinear, often high order, partial differential equation. In the context of two applications, the project addresses two obstacles for the wide applicability of phase-field models: (1) encoding sharp interface models into the regularized phase-field framework and (2) the need for efficient, accurate and scalable numerical methods.
Specific conditions: FPI fellowship funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. There is funding for international research stays of up to 6 months.
Specific requirements: a solid background in continuum mechanics and differential equations, previous exposure to the finite element method and computer programming are desired.
Application Deadline: February 15, 2012 (early application is recommended).
Responsible: Irene Arias, Marino Arroyo
Opening 3: Numerical methods for coupling heterogeneous models
Heterogeneous multiphysics problems described by partial differential equations arise in many practical applications, for example, whenever different phenomena have to be taken into account in two or more subregions of the computational domain or when, for the description and simulation of complex physical phenomena, combinations of hierarchical mathematical models are set up with the aim of reducing the computational complexity. The project focuses on the development, analysis and implementation of effective mathematical and numerical methods for the simulation of such complex multiphysics problem.
Specific conditions: funded by the European Union through the Marie Curie CIG Action and by the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.
Specific requirements: a solid background in partial differential equations, optimal control theory, finite elements method, and some experience in computer programming.
Application Deadline : review will begin immediately until the position is filled.
Responsible: Marco Discacciati
Opening 4: Computer simulation of hydraulic fracturing in three-dimensions
Hydraulic fracturing (using high-pressure water to generate cracks in the rock) is a technique applied to both fossil fuels and renewable energy sources. The project aims to develop efficient simulation methods with the objective of accurately predicting the three-dimensional network of hydraulic fractures, taking into account rock self-contact, inhomogeneity, and poroelasticity, as well as to build methodologies to incorporate stratigraphic data obtained from field technologies.
Specific conditions: partially funded by the European Union through the Marie Curie CIG Action.
Specific requirements: previous exposure to the finite element method for either solid mechanics or fluid flow, flow in porous medium, and/or fracture mechanics is desired.
Application Deadline: applications received by 13 January 2012 will be given full consideration.
Responsible: Yongxing Shen
Opening 5: 2 PhD positions with teaching duties
The candidates, besides carrying out a PhD in one of the research areas of interest of LaCàN, will support the teaching activity of undergraduate courses on numerical methods for Civil, Construction and Geological Engineering.
Specific conditions: the positions are associated to the School of Civil Engineering of UPC. The teaching load is of about five hours per week.
Specific requirements: fluency in English (both spoken and written) is required. Knowledge of Spanish is not compulsory but will be appreciated.
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