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PhD Position in Modelling, Simulation and Analysis of Colloidal Transport at University of Erlangen-Nuremberg and Eindhoven Univ
PhD Position in Modelling, Simulation and Analysis of Colloidal Transport
A PhD vacancy in Applied Mathematics will be hosted by the Chair for Applied Mathematics 1, Department of Mathematics, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany, (first 2 years) and by CASA – Center for Analysis, Scientific computing and Applications, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands, (last year). The position is funded by the Initial Training Network FIRST (Fronts and Interfaces in Science and Technology) of the EU.
The work will focus on the modeling, simulation and analysis of colloid transport in porous media. The accurate description of such processes in the context of advection-diffusion-reaction equations is not only of great impact since the microstructure of the porous medium depends on the attachment of flocculated particle clusters, but also because contaminant transport is dictated by colloidal particles.
In the project a mathematical model should be set up rigorously which describes the above mentioned phenomena. We expect multiscale problems to emerge possibly connecting continuum and discrete scales. Special attention should also be paid to the numerical realization within the framework of an existing software.
Required Education Level
Degree Master Degree or equivalent
Degree Field Mathematics
Required Languages
Language ENGLISH
Language Level Good
Additional Requirements
As a PhD Student, you are expected to:
– perform scientific research;
– present results on international conferences;
– publish results in scientific journals;
We are looking for a candidate who has a strong affinity for at least one of the following fields:
1. analysis of PDEs
2. numerics of PDEs
3. mathematical modelling
Salary and mobility allowance are at the standard rate for Early Stage Researchers in ITN networks of the EU. This means a living allowance of ca. 34.500 € per year and a mobility allowance of 500 € (or 800 € under family obligations) per month. In addition, there is an annual personal travel allowance dependent on the distance from the country of origin, and ESRs employed for at least 12 months are entitled to a single 2000 Euro Career Exploratory Allowance payment. Substantial funding is provided for participation in conferences and other research and training activities.
Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
Prof. Peter Knabner, Department of Mathematics
Martensstr. 3
91058 – Erlangen
email [email protected]
email [email protected]
email [email protected]
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