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Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies Scholarhips, Erasmus Mundus, Europe
Geographic Information is a rapidly growing economical sector: it is suggested, that 80 % of all decisions in Economy and Politics have a spatial relation. The goal of the Masters program in Geospatial Technologies is to form specialists able to carry out a wide variety of geospatial projects in industry and academics.
The Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies qualifies for a professional career in the following domains:
- Private sector: GI applications and consulting in the domains of regional planning, landscape planning, financial services industry, energy providing industry, transportation, agriculture and forestry, and retailing/marketing;
- Research: Applied sciences at universities and other research institutions;
- Public sector: GI applications and consulting in local and regional administrations, especially in cadastre and different types of planning (e.g., regional, traffic, ecology).
The Master’s program targets holders of a Bachelor’s degree with a qualification in application areas of Geographic Information (GI), e.g., environmental planning, regional planning, geography, logistics, transportation, marketing, energy provision, computer science.
The international Masters program (Master of Science, M.Sc.) in Geospatial Technologies is a cooperation of:
- Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster (WWU), Institute for Geoinformatics (ifgi), Münster, Germany.
- Universitat Jaume I (UJI), Castellón, Dept. Lenguajes y Sistemas Informaticos (LSI), Castellón, Spain.
- Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL), Instituto Superior de Estatística e Gestão de Informação (ISEGI), Lisboa, Portugal,
The Masters program in Geospatial Technologies has been selected within the Erasmus Mundus Programme, 2007 – 2013, project reference 2007-0064/001 FRAME MUNB123.
The Masters program in Geospatial Technologies has been re-selected for five further editions starting in 2012, project reference FPA-2012-0191.
Erasmus Mundus scholarships: Call for applications
The new call for applications 2012 for Erasmus mundus scholarships in the Master’s program in Geospatial Technologies is open now. Start of the next edition of the Masters program will be September 1, 2012. We will be able to provide the following scholarships (numbers to be confirmed):
- ~5 financial contributions to EU students (in this context nationals or residents (> 1 year) from EU Member States and EEA-EFTA countries).
- ~1 full scholarship each to students from the three “Windows” (a. Western Balkans and Turkey, b. Tunesia and Egypt, c. “Eastern Neighbourhood Countries” (i.e. Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine).
- ~7 full scholarships to third country students (other nationals or residents than above).
- ~2 scholarships for third country scholars (visiting researchers), starting ~ September 1, 2012, either in Lisbon, Portugal, or Castellón, Spain.
Dates & Deadlines
Please note that there are different deadlines for your application:
January 15, 2012:
- EU students applying for an Erasmus Mundus grant
- Third country students and students from the “Windows” applying for an Erasmus Mundus grant
- Third country scholars (visiting researchers) applying for an Erasmus Mundus grant
July 31, 2012:
- Students NOT applying for an Erasmus Mundus grant -however an earlier application is recommended especially for applicants from non-European countries due to visa processes.
Applications have to be submitted in parallel, online via the application system AND paper-based on the same deadline date.
The deadline time for submitting electronic applications is the 18:00 CET (Central European Time = GMT +1) of the deadline date.
Paper-versions have to be sent by registered mail, post-stamped until the deadline and to be RECEIVED within one week after the respective deadline at latest!
Formal Requirements
All applicants applying as a student for the Master’s Program in Geospatial Technologies will be assessed against the following formal admission criteria:
- In an evaluation procedure, up to 32 students will be admitted each year (fall/winter semester), half of them starting at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa and half at the Universitat Jaume I, Castellón. The overall entry requirements are defined by the respective national laws for Higher Education in Spain and Portugal.
- A requirement for admission is an adequate Bachelor degree of six semesters full time (= 180 ECTS credit points) or more, as recognized by the partner universities in Germany, Portugal, or Spain, for admission to graduate studies. The Master’s Program in Geospatial Technologies is recommended to students with relevant degrees in application areas of geographic information. In case of uncertainty, the Examination board or Masters Program coordinator decides about relevance.
- Fulfilling 150 ECTS credit points in an ongoing Bachelor program is NOT sufficient to apply for an Erasmus Mundus grant as third-country or Window student. For EU students applying for a scholarship, 150 credits can be accepted for a preliminary approval, if the Bachelor diploma is provided until July 15 of the respective year. For other students – not applying for a scholarship – on the basis of an individual evalution 150 credits can be accepted for a preliminary approval, if the Bachelor diploma is provided at the time of enrolment.
- The study program is in English language. Therefore, a TOEFL certificate (minimum 500 points, paper-based), or equivalent, is required. Equivalent can be a certificate from other institutions such as IELTS (academics), a previous Bachelor’s or Master’s program entirely taught in English (to be documented), or English as mother tongue.
- Students will have to apply in fully compliance to the admission procedure published at http://www.mastergeotech.info
- Submission within deadlines
- Parallel application: online via application system, and sending original documents by mail (post-stamped within deadline and to be received one week later at latest)
- Completeness of personal information
- Completeness and correctness of supporting documents:
- Online application form – to be printed and signed for the paper version to be sent by mail
- Bachelor diploma including a grade transcript of records, certified (translated to English, Spanish, Portuguese, or French) copy (additonally Masters or other diplomas, if applicable)
- if English is not the mother tongue: English language proof – (TOEFL, score > 500, paper-based (or equivalent, see above), certified (translated to English, Spanish, Portuguese, or French) copy
- Motivation letter
- European format CV (see template)
- Recommentation letters (minimum of 2)
- Proof of nationality (certified copy of passport)
- Passport photo
- List with reference names
- Other
All applicants applying as a scholar will be assessed against the following formal admission criteria:
- The master program is in English language. Therefore, a TOEFL certificate (minimum 500 points, paper-based), or equivalent, is required.
- Scholars will have to apply in fully compliance to the admission procedure published at http://www.mastergeotech.info
- Submission within deadlines (telephone interviews via Skype for pre-selected candidates in January/February)
- Parallel application: online via application system, and sending original documents by mail
- Completeness of personal information
- Completeness and correctness of supporting documents:
- Online application form – to be printed and signed for the paper version to be sent by mail
- Bachelor, Master, and – if applicable – doctorate diploma including grade transcript of records (translated to English, Spanish, Portuguese,or French) copy
- 2-page Master/doctorate thesis outline
- Proof of experiences in teaching, certified (translated to English, Spanish, Portuguese, or French) copy
- Proof of experiences in research, certified (translated to English, Spanish, Portuguese, or French) copy
- Motivation letter
- European format CV (see template)
- Recommentation letters (minimum of 2)
- Proof of nationality (certified copy of passport)
- Passport photo
- List with reference names
- Other
Applicants may not apply to more than three Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses in the same year.
Contact us
Institute for Geoinformatics, University of Münster
Weseler Strasse 253, D-48151 Muenster, Germany
Dr. Christoph Brox, broxc (@) uni-muenster.de
– General information about the Master’s program and program coordinator at ifgi –
Departamento de Leguajes y Sistemas Informáticos (DLSI),
Universitat Jaume I, 12071 Castellón de la Plana, Spain
Prof. Dr. Joaquín Huerta, huerta (@) lsi.uji.es
– Program coordinator at UJI –
Instituto Superior de Estatística e Gestão de Informação (ISEGI),
Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL), Campus de Campolide,
1070-312 Lisboa, Portugal
Prof. Dr. Marco Painho [email protected]
– Program coordinator at ISEGI –
Dra. Andreia Frutuoso [email protected]
– Academic services –
Dra. Olívia Fernandes [email protected]
– Visa and lodging –
Dr. Luís Vaz dos Santos [email protected]
– Marketing and Webpage –
For more information, please visit official website.
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