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Erasmus Mundus Scholarship: European Master in Sustainable Regional Health System 2011
The European Master in Sustainable Regional Health Systems is a two years long interdisciplinary programme of 120 ECTS that aims to give vision, knowledge and tools to develop and manage coherent health systems that contribute both to health and sustainable regional development in their regional communities.
Learning outcomes
- Adequate understanding of the different areas of knowledge in relation to social factors affecting patients in critical and complex situations. Knowledge and understanding of the dynamics of health policies and of alternative health models, their costs and consequences.
- An understanding of the principles, concepts, policies and practicalities at the leading edge of managing progressive health systems and its relevance to broader public policy agendas
- An understanding of the principles, concepts, policies and practicalities at the leading edge of health entrepreneurship and its relevance to science and technology based business.
- The ability to search for alternative solutions with an understanding of the social contexts involved, being aware of the consequences of the option chosen.
- A good ability to communicate at the level of the working team, groups and social networks, and also to plan the institutional communication strategy efficiently.
- A comprehensive vision of the model of management upheld by the institution, being able to develop it and communicate it.
- The ability to adapt quickly to the new situations of a system undergoing constant change.
- Deep awareness of social factors and their impact on the health system.
- The ability to adequately use new information and communication technologies and an understanding of the impact these can have on working health contexts, being able to evaluate this impact, and planning its implementation.
- The ability to adopt values and attitudes placing the patient at the centre, and as the key reference for the work done, developing the different strategies of quality in the health system from this perspective.
- Understanding of the value systems (personal, organisational, professional) that shape decision making in health organisations and markets and how values translate into quality of patient care.
- To enhance attitudes appropriate to promote values of solidarity and commitment with the surrounding community to embed personally in the administration of regional health systems.
Final degree and Career opportunities
At the end of the Masters Course the students will graduate with Joint Master’s degree awarded by all Consortium universities and can work as middle and upper level managers in hospitals and health services as well as in regional and national administrative bodies related to public health planning and management in diverse sectors: health insurance, health financing, strategic planning, etc.
Erasmus Mundus Scholarship Description
If you are a non-EU student (Category A):
- Contribution to travel, installation and any other type of costs: € 8000
- Maximum contribution to the EMMC participation costs (including insurance coverage): € 4000 / semester
- Monthly allowance: € 1000 / month
If you are an EU student inside the EU (Category B):
- Maximum contribution to the EMMC participation costs (including insurance coverage): € 2000 / semester
- Monthly allowance: € 500 / month
Participation costs must be understood as any compulsory administrative/operational cost related to the participation of the student in the EMMC (e.g. library, laboratory, tuition, social security and insurance costs, etc.). Any other costs that may be charged in addition (e.g. for participation in fieldwork activities), being compulsory or voluntary, must be communicated to the candidate student at application stage.
Monthly allowance amounts may be increased in order to cover the additional costs of students with special needs; EMMCs will have to inform the Agency accordingly in the context of their annual student scholarship applications.
Caterory A
Scholarships can be awarded to masters students selected by EMMC consortia who came from a country other than an eligible applicant country and who are not residents nor have carried out their main activity (studies, work, etc., …) for more than a total of 12 months over the last five years in one of these countries.
Category B
Scholoarships can be awarded to any maters students selected by EMMC consortia and who do not fulfil the Category A criteria defined above.
Admission may be granted to applicants who meet the following common admission criteria:
- A university degree in Sociology, Psychology, Law, Political Science, Anthropology, History, Medicine, Social Work, Social Education, Nursing, Public Health etc, that they want to specialize in the scope of the health.
- Candidates are required to have a recognized qualification in the language of instruction of the university that they plan to attend. Knowledge of languages of the place of study is an asset.
- A sufficient score of one of the following English language certificates (TOEFL, First Certificate, IELTS).
- Statement of intent. Applicants must submit a statement of intent indicating why the Master’s is relevant for future carrier.
Call for application
For applicants who seek and are eligible for Erasmus Mundus “Category A” scholarships, and self-financing students application is open since 1st of July and will be closed in 2011 January. Registration for applying is here.
Please follow tine instruction below carefully, only correct applications will be considered.
Step 1 Fill in on-line application form and after submitting, please, print it and sign.
Step 2 Your application should consist of the following documents:
- A complete and signed standard application form
- A copy of the passport or other official identification proof
- Sertified copies of diplomas and translation in English. (If legalized copies of diplomas are not available at the time of application, an original statement from your current university about the studies done and studies currently being done must be provided)
- Copies of diploma supplements stating courses followed and scores obtained per course and translation in English
- Copies of language tests scores and language certificates (TOEFL/IELTS, etc.)
- Letter of motivation
- 2 reference letters
- Academic and professional CV
Please note, that application becomes property of the Secretariat of Programme. Therefore no original official documents should be sent. Upon admission to the programme, legalized copies of diplomas, language tests and certificates will be required.
Application should be posted to:
European Master in Sustainable
Regional Health Systems
Institute of Public Health
Faculty of Medicine
Vilnius university
Ciurlionio str.21
LT-03101 Vilnius
In order to apply you have to take the following steps:
Step 1: To register
While registering you will be asked to enter your username (we recommend using the combination of your real name and surname), e-mail address, and password. After the submission of the registration Form, you will be logged in automatically. Registration details will be sent to you to the indicated e-mail address. Later, you will be able to log in using your username and password.
Registracion Form is available here.
You can log in here.
Step 2: To fill in the Application Form
When you are logged in, you will see Application Form Menu at the top of the site.
The Application Form consists of the following parts:
I. Personal Information
II. Mailing address (for all correspondence)
III. Permanent address
IV. Educational Background
V. Languages
VI. Employment History
VII. Motivation
VIII. Referees
IX. Specialization Course Option
X. Financial statements
When you fill in the Application Form, press the button “Submit form”.
You will be informed about a successful submission of the Application Form to the indicated e-mail address.
If your application is selected, we will contact you.
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