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Erasmus Mundus BioHealth Computing at EM Scholarship
Growing barriers between clinical and basic research, along with the ever increasing complexities involved in conducting health research, are making it more difficult to translate new knowledge to the bedside – and back again to the bench. Considering that a broad re-engineering effort is needed to catalyze the development of health science, the BioHealth Computing Consortium is linking together Public Universities, Bioindustry Parks and Private Companies, to speed laboratory discoveries into solutions for patients. This unique network of European organizations aims to enhance the efficiency and quality of clinical and translational innovation by transforming the research and training environment in the field of public health.
BioHealth Computing EM is a one year MSc programme, open to well motivated students who have completed one year MSc course (60 ECTS), or equivalent degree in the fields of: Clinical Research, Environmental and Animal Health, Molecular Biotechnology, and Computational Mathematics.
BioHealth Computing EM is organized in 2 semesters followed at two different Partner Universities, that will be both in charge of awarding credits (30:30 ECTS), and Ms degrees to the student. Each year, the courses start by an Integration Period and finish by e Summer School gathering all the students in the BioPark of Archamps-Genève Technopole. During the first semester, students take Advanced Courses in scientific fields depending on their previous degree. The second semester is dedicated to a nine months Joint Research Project, associating two students coming from two different scientific fields to solve a unique problem.
University Joseph-Fourier of Grenoble, I, France (Co-ordinating Institution)
University of Barcelona, Spain
University of Torino, Italy
University of Maastricht, Netherlands
University of Agronomical Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Admission & Selection Criteria
The BioHealth Computing EM is a one year MSc programme, open to well motivated students, who are top-level Bachelor completed by a first year of Master of science, in a field in relation with the scope of the master programme (for instance: Clinical research, Public health, Molecular biotechnology, Applied mathematics or related fields with a number of prerequisites in Biology and/or in Computing). The admission policy is intended to ensure equal opportunity of access to higher education for qualified European and third country students.
1. Students are required having already completed a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc. degree or a nationally recognized degree equivalent to 180 ECTS) and the first year of a Master of Science (MSc degree or a nationally recognized degree equivalent to 60 ECTS), with a minimum grade of “B–“ in the ECTS grading scale (at least a score of 70%). If requested, the applicant must prove the international recognition of the mentioned Degree as equivalent to a B.Sc. + first year of Ms, and provide such official recognition translated in English. An academic equivalency may be attributed based on the professional experience of the applicant (validation of acquired experience).
2. Students are required having a fluent level in English, certified by a TOEFL score. The result has to be paper based at least 580, computer based at least 237 or internet based at least 92-93. An alternative is a minimum score of 6.5 from IELTS test. Furthermore, basic computer skills are required. The Consortium Committee can admit excellent students with a somewhat lower TOEFL (550, 213 or 79-80 respectively) or IELTS score (6.0).
Erasmus Mundus scholarships
The Erasmus Mundus Programme provide scholarships for students and for academics interested in performing research, teaching or other university-related work within the BioHealth Computing Master course.
– 24,000 € for Non-European students
– 10,000 € per year for European students
– 1,200 € per week for academics (maximum14,400 € for 3 months)
Application procedure
Students apply through a standard application form which can be downloaded from this website, or can be sent on request, or can be obtained from the partners awarding the degree. The Coordinating Institution provides first-hand support via telephone or e-mail for all questions regarding the application. Applications have to be sent to the Coordinating Institution before the agreed deadlines in order to be eligible. It contains all elements necessary for further selection (such as letter of motivation, full academic background containing a list of courses followed, obtained grades, information about the ranking of the students in their previous studies, language skills, motivation). Furthermore two recommendation letters will be asked of each student. Students also indicate the Research teams in which they want to do their research and the Universities where they want to follow their courses. The Coordinator collects all application forms, checks whether students fulfill basic diploma requirements, and prepares an overview for the selection by the BioHealth Computing EM Educational Committee. Subsequently the Educational Committee selects from the list of applicants the students who can enter the course, and the Third- and European Country students that will be proposed for a scholarship. The Education Committee selects and ranks the students that are, or not eligible, for a scholarship.
Contact detail
Professeur Philippe Sabatier
Université Joseph-Fourier
Faculté de Médecine – Pharmacie de Grenoble
EPSP TIMC-IMAG, Bat. Jean Roget
38706 La Tronche, France
[email protected]
Office : Coordination / Admission
Bureau des Relations Internationales, Université Joseph Fourier-
[email protected]
Visit Official Website.
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