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EMARO Master Scholarships on Advanced Robotics
EMARO, European Master on Advanced RObotics, is an integrated Masters course conducted by three European institutions and three Asian institutions :
- Ecole Centrale de Nantes- France (coordinator),
- Warsaw University of Technology – Poland ,
- University of Genova – Italy,
- Asian Institute of Technology – Thailand,
- Faculty of Science and Technology in Keio University – Japan,
- and Shanghai Jiao Tong University – China
EMARO has been designed and accepted in the framework of the European Union ERASMUS-MUNDUS programme.
The Masters is designed to promote a high-quality educational offer in the area of advanced and intelligent robotics. After graduation the students will have mastered the different areas of robotics (Mathematical modeling, Control Engineering, Computer Engineering, Mechanical design) in order to be able to deal with Robotics systems as a whole rather than just to concentrate on one particular area. The career prospects for EMARO graduates are very good as the proposed courses are relevant to today’s high technology society and because the current output of universities is insufficient to meet the demands of industry and research programmes. Students may take the master as a professional terminal degree, or join PhD programmes afterwards.
Duration and mobility:
The programme of study lasts two academic years (120 ECTS) split into four equally loaded semesters. The student has to spend the first two semesters in one institution and the second two semesters in another institution.
Summary of study programme:
The language of instruction is English, but local language and culture courses of the hosting countries are included in the programme of study. The aim of the first two semesters is to provide the students with a solid interdisciplinary background across the main areas of robotics (Cognition, Action, Perception). During the third semester, depending on the host institution, the student will deal with one or more of the following sectors: industrial robot systems, service robots (domestic, health, rehabilitation, leisure), and space and security robots. The fourth semester is dedicated to the Masters Thesis. The student carries out his/her research work under the joint supervision of two advisors from two different consortium institutions.
Degrees awarded:
Students that graduate from the EMARO masters course will obtain two masters degrees from the institutions where they studied. The obtained degrees are officially recognised and give full access to PhD study programmes.
The Consortium will deliver Diploma supplement describing the nature, level, context, content and status of the studies that were pursued and successfully completed by the student.
Admission Requirements:
The EMARO Masters course is open to European and Third-country students who already hold a first university degree with 180 ECTS credits in the European system, after at least three years studies (at the level of Bachelor of Science) in a field related to robotics such as: Mechatronic, Automatic control, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, System Engineering, Applied Mathematics and Computer Science. The graduation must take place before 31 July 2011 for non European students and before 30 September for European students.
The applicants have to be fluent in English, both in writing and speaking. An Applicant whose native language is not English is required to pass a recognized international English test such as TOEFL (score 220 CBT, 550 PBT, 80 IBT), Cambridge Advanced English Test (score B or higher), IELTS (score 6.5 or higher) , TOEIC (800) or other English equivalent test. The English test result must be sent before the deadline of application. An applicant who carried out his study in English is eligible (official confirmation letter from his university is needed) but passing a recognized international test provides him more marks.
Application Procedure
Application (whether you apply for Erasmus Mundus Grant or not) has to be done on-line and by post as follows:
* 1) On-line application: The following documents are needed (in PDF or JPG files):
- First pages of Passport or Identity card indicating the nationality
- Recognized International English test Certificate, not older than January 2008 (TOEFL, TOEIC, etc.). In case of English speaking academic programme, you are eligible but submitting English Test Certificate insures better ranking during the selection
- Certified academic degree and transcripts of all university study with translation into English, i.e. bachelor, master or equivalent, (all the documents must be grouped in one file). If the degree will be obtained after the deadline, a certificate from the institution indicating the situation of the student and the date of obtaining the degree must be delivered
- The name and address of two professors who accept to send us reference letters. The reference letters must be provided on EMARO’s Reference Form. (Download the Reference Form)
- CV with Identity photo
- Presentation of the institution who delivered (or will deliver) the academic degree (about 10-15 lines). The description should contain (method of selection at the entry, international or national ranking, language of instruction, degrees delivered, address of internet website, private or public,…)
- Motivation letter
* 2) postal submission: send the following document before the deadline (as per postmark, besides it must arrive at most 10 days after deadline):
- English Certificate (original or certified), not older than January 2008. Toefl Code number assigned to the “Ecole Centrale de Nantes” by ETS is 5722 Department graduate school, and GRE code is 2699. In case of English speaking academic programme, you are eligible but submitting English Test Certificate insures better ranking during the selection
- Certified academic degree and transcripts with translation in English, i.e. bachelor, master or equivalent. If the degree will be obtained after the deadline, a certificate from the institution indicating the situation of the student and the date of obtaining the degree must be delivered.
- A signed copy of the application form as delivered by the on-line application system of EMARO.
- Checklist and grant eligibility document
- Reference form and letter from two professors. (Download the Reference Letter Form)
to : EMARO – Erasmus Mundus Master
Ecole Centrale de Nantes
1, rue de la Noë
BP 92101
Tel : +33 (0)2 40 37 69 96
- Download the on-line application guideline
- Download checklist and grant eligibility document
- Connection to the on-line application website
Application DeadLines
Opening date of online application site :
- The application site will be opened for all students on 5 October 2010.
Closing dates (online application and postal submission)
- Non-EU students applying for Erasmus Mundus Grant under category A (10 December 2010).
- Western Balkan Countries and Turkey students applying for Erasmus Mundus Grant (category A) (if available for 2010/2011) on 10 January 2011.
- European Union students and non-EU students applying for Erasmus Mundus Grant under category B (20 January 2011).
- Non-EU students not applying for Erasmus Mundus Grant (15 May 2010).
- EU students not applying for Erasmus Mundus Grant (10 July 2010)
Fur further details, go to:
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