Pendaftaran Online kali ini menyampaikan informasi tentang Dental Development Undergraduate Scholarship, University of Kent, UK sebagai berikut:
Dental Development Undergraduate Scholarship, University of Kent, UK
The Division of Dentistry in the Centre for Professional Practice at the University of Kent will be offering scholarships to a number of applicants.
Scholarships of £250, £500, £750 and £1,000 will be available. The maximum amount available to any scholar will be £1,000 per academic stage.
University of Kent Dental Development Scholarship
This scholarship competition is open to all UK, EU and Overseas full-time undergraduate students.
This scholarship fund is designed to support widening access and participation in higher education by dental care professionals and will provide a partial scholarship to incoming and current students in the Dental Care programmes at the University of Kent.
Scholarships of £250, £500, £750 and £1,000 per annum will be available. The maximum amount available to any scholar will be £1,000 per academic stage.
Scholarships may be awarded for 1, 2 or 3 stages, and any applicant awarded a scholarship at stage 1 or 2 will be able to reapply for succeeding academic stages at the end of June each year. Scholarships will also be subject to satisfactory academic progress
- Applicants must fulfill the normal entry requirements for the course
- Applicants must hold an offer of a place or be an existing student in good standing for a full-time or flexible degree at the University of Kent for the following or current academic year in the Dental Care programme
- Applicants will be judged on the strength of their academic background and appropriate completion of the award application form
- Priority will be given to applicants in the following order:-
- qualified dental nurses
- other dental care professionals
How to apply
Make an application for this scholarship Ref: DDS
If you have any problems with your application please email: [email protected]
Please note that interviews for scholarships will take place on the same day as academic interviews.
The deadline for receipt of applications is Friday 20th July 2012.
You can hold a University bursary and a scholarship at the same time.
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