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Call for Applications-Admission to PhD Programmes
Università di Bologna has published the announcement for the admission to the Ph.D programmes under the following Schools:
Scienze Economiche e Statistiche (Economics and Statistics) – Ph.D programmes in:
– Economics – Coordinator Prof. Giacomo Calzolari
– General Management – Coordinator Prof. Salvatore Torrisi
– Statistics – Coordinator Prof. Daniela Cocchi
– Scienze Matematiche Fisiche e Astronomiche (Mathematics, Physics and
– Astronomy) – Ph.D programmes in:
– Astronomy – Coordinator Prof. Lauro Moscardini
Scienze Umanistiche (Humanities) – Ph.D programmes in:
– Cinema, Music and Theatre – Coordinator Prof. Gugliemo Pescatore
– International Ph.D Programme in Cognitive Neuroscience – Prof. Elisabetta Ladavas
– Literary Philological Historical Cultures – Coordinator Prof. Renzo Tosi
– DESE- Les litteratures de l’Europe Unie / European Literatures – Coordinator Prof. Anna Soncini
– Science, Cognition and Technology (SCT) – Coordinator Prof. Giuliano Pancaldi
– History – Coordinator Prof. Maria Malatesta
All the information regarding the competition (research topics, number of positions, admission requirements, selection procedure and criteria) can be found in each Ph.D programme table Official Website.
Each course will start only if at least three students will enrol.
The above mentioned XXVII Cycle doctoral programmes will start on 1st October 2011 and will have a duration of three years.
How to apply
In order to apply candidates must:
1. connect to Official Website.;
2. click on “English version” on the left;
3. follow the instructions to log in;
4. choose “Admission test registration” and choose “Dottorato”;
5. choose the Ph.D programme of interest from the list available;
6. fill in the forms.
Please note that the application procedure is divided in two steps. At the end of step one, candidates have to log in to Official Website. again with username and password provided. Step two: fill in the other forms and upload all the requested documents ONLY in pdf format (copy of Identity Card or Passport with a valid photo and all other mandatory documents indicated in each PhD programme table);
7. pay € 42,00 as application fee (no later than June 23rd 2011) by one of the following means:
a) online, by credit card (even if not the personal one): Visa, Mastercard, Diners, American Express;
b) at UniCredit Banca ONLY (please use the payment code available online) – no other bank is authorised to receive such payment.
If option b) is chosen please attach copy of the payment receipt in pdf format.
Please note that the payment of the application fees is compulsory. Failure in complying with it by the deadline will result in the exclusion from the competition, even if all forms have been completed and documents attached.
Once a Ph.D programme has been chosen and the relevant admission fee is paid, it will not be possible to move to another programme. A new application and another payment are then needed. Under no circumstances can the application fee be reimbursed.
Application Deadline : 23 June 2011
Visit Official Website.
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